NOTE: This is a static archive copy of STWiki. The site can no longer be edited.

Information for STWiki Newcomers

Thanks for Stopping In!

STWiki is a place to stash the bits of wisdom and information people collect about Honda ST1100 and ST1300 that get discussed on message boards and then become impossible to find later.

STWiki is a different kind of web site than you're probably used to seeing. Unlike most sites that are written by one or two people, this one is a community effort. Every page (called a topic) on this site, including this one, is editable. Think of it as a gigantic whiteboard where everyone has a set of markers and an eraser. If something's missing, you can add it. If something's wrong, you can correct it. If something doesn't make sense, you can make it make sense. If STWiki doesn't have a topic on something you'd like to contribute, you can start one.

STWiki has several different areas, called webs, each of which contains a set of related topics. All of the ST1300-related information. for example, lives in a web called ST13. All of the webs on STWiki are listed in the table below.

Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.SiteMap

First Steps

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.     --Chinese philosopher Lao Zi

Learn about what a Wiki, TWiki and STWiki are all about by visiting WelcomeGuest.

Go back to the front page of ST11, ST13 or General. Browse around, read some topics. Have a good ol' time.


A journey of a thousand miles continues with the second step.     --Larry Wall

Learn a bit more about STWiki by reading TwentyMinuteTutorial and BeginnersStartHere.

If you'd like to work on the topics or contribute a new one, all you have to do is sign up on the UserRegistration page. When you register, you'll also have a page of your own where you can put up whatever information about yourself that you'd like to share.

STWiki has a place called the Sandbox where you can experiment to your heart's content and not worry about messing anything up. After you've looked at BeginnersStartHere, this is a great place to try out some of what you've seen there.

The TopicsThatNeedWork page lists topics that have had a special string put in them where something needs to be done. These are great places to learn the ropes without having to start new topics from scratch.

-- MarkFeit - 06 Apr 2005
Topic revision: r4 - 23 Sep 2007, MarkFeit
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