Understanding Honda Part Numbers
General Parts
Function |
Component |
Product |
Modification Process Design |
Color Code |
12 |
345 |
- |
678 |
- |
901 |
AB |
Function - Identifies the general function in which this part is used (e.g., brakes, frame, etc.)
Component - A numbered component within the function (e.g., Left Brake Rotor, Brake Caliper)
Product - The product code for the model on which the part belongs. Some parts which are used on multiple models retain their original product code.
Modification Process Design - A code used to designate parts suppliers and revision number. The first character is believed to indicate the supplier that manufactures a part. The third is generally believed to be a revision number, which has been verified with several parts. The second is unknown and may be part of the supplier code or revision number.
Color Code - The color code for painted parts as specified in the service manual. These two characters do not appear on unpainted parts.
This is not the paint code, which is usually two letters followed by three digits and optionally one letter (i.e, PB-255P
for Pearl Coronado Blue)
Common Parts
Function |
Type |
Dimensions |
ISO Standard |
Surface Treatment |
12 |
345 |
- |
67890 |
- |
1 |
2 |
Function and
Type - Describe what the part is (e.g.,, all pan screws are
Dimensions - Indicates the part's major dimensions. Composition varies by function and type. (For example: A certain M6x22 flanged bolt is
. Its M6x30 counterpart is
ISO Standard - Indicates what ISO standard the part meets. Not present on all parts.
Surface Treatment - Indicates any special treatment the surface of the part has been given. Not present on all parts.
MarkFeit - 01 Nov 2008