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CommercialGMRSRadio Waiting List

How the List Will Be Operated

  • Anyone wanting a CommercialGMRSRadioKit should express their interest by posting in this thread on ST-Owners or by email or private message to Blrfl on ST-O.
  • Requests for kits will be added to the list in the order received.
  • As each finished kit is produced, it will be offered to the person at the top of the list.
    • If the person at the top accepts, they get the radio and will be removed from the list.
    • If they decline, they will, at their option, be removed from the list or moved to the bottom for a potential later purchase.
    • If there is no response, they will be moved to the "Interested But Can Wait" list.
  • If there are not enough radios available to satisfy everyone on the list, those wanting multiple radios will be offered one and then moved to the bottom of the list.

The List

  1. ConeHead - Paid - Holding shipment by request

Interested but Can Wait

  1. Bradley
  2. freddie
  3. StanSimmons (wanted 2)


  1. Trekker (2007-09-26, Active 7)
  2. clmixon (2007-10-09, Pro 7)
  3. Everman (2008-07-31)
  4. John Anthony (1 of 2) (2008-07-31)
  5. John Anthony (2 of 2) (2008-07-31)
  6. sparky (2008-08-05)
  7. ST-Brian (1 of 2) (2008-08-05)
  8. ST-Brian (2 of 2) (2008-08-05)
  9. jmcglash
  10. KrazyKooter
  11. ST_John - PM Sent 2008-08-10
  12. NoBull - Confirmed 2008-08-10

No Longer Interested or Did Something Else

  1. MLRickards
  2. fitenfyr
  3. STJMG
  4. KenBobPDX
  5. altexst1300 - PM Sent 7/26/08 - No reply
  6. ConqSoft

-- MarkFeit - 05 Aug 2007
Topic revision: r28 - 20 Aug 2008, MarkFeit
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