Valve Check Quick Guide
The full procedure begins on page 3-9 of the service manual.
- Socket wrench
- Torque wrench covering 10-12 N-m (7-9 lb-ft)
- Sockets: 10 mm, 17 mm, 5/8" spark plug socket and long extension
- Hex head sockets: 6mm, 10mm
- Feeler gauges: 0.13-0.19mm (0.005-0.007 in), 0.22-0.28mm (0.009-0.011 in)
Many common feeler gauge sets don't go any smaller than 0.005 in. It is good to have a 0.004in gauge to verify that a valve at 0.005 in is actually within spec. A piece of feeler gauge stock is a suitable substitute. (McMaster-Carr part number for a single 12" length is 19875A35.)
- Philips screwdriver
- Inspection mirror
- Flashlight
- Towel to protect rear of front fender
- Grease
- Gasket sealer (Permatex #85409 Ultra Rubber Gasket Sealant/Dressing)
Remove fairing. (See
Remove valve cover trim.
Remove spark plug wires and tuck them out of the way.
Remove PAIR air hoses.
Remove crankcase breather hose (left side only).
Remove three bolts from each cylinder head cover.
10 mm socket
Remove three mounting rubbers from each cylinder head cover.
These may stay in the cover, and it's perfectly safe to leave them there.
Remove the cylinder head covers.
Remove the spark plugs.
Be careful not to drop them.
Remove the timing hole cap.
6 mm hex head socket
Remove the crankshaft hole cap.
10 mm hex head socket
Valve Check
For each cylinder in the table below in the order listed:
- Turn the crankshaft the specified number of turns counterclockwise (facing front of bike) until the intake and exhaust marks are aligned with the top edge of the cylinder head casing. 17 mm socket
- Fine-tune the position by aligning the timing timing mark in the table with the index pointer.
- Measure and record clearances between the cam and the bucket valves:
- Intakes: 0.16 ± 0.03mm (0.006 ± 0.001 in)
- Exhausts: 0.25 ± 0.03mm (0.010 ± 0.001 in)

Inboard means the marks line up between the camshafts, outboard means the line up toward the outer edges of the cylinder head casing.
If any valves are out of spec, refer to the
ValveAdjustmentQuickGuide to correct them.
Grease the O-rings on the timing and crankshaft hole caps.
Install the timing hole cap.
6 mm hex head, torque to 10 N-m (7 lb-ft)
Install the crankshaft hole cap.
10 mm hex head, torque to 12 N-m (9 lb-ft)
Install the sparkplugs.
5/8" sparkplug socket, torque to 16 N-m (12 lb-ft)
Clean the area at the top of each cylinder head where the valve cover gasket seats.
Clean any remaining gasket sealant from the valve cover gaskets.
Check that the valve cover gasket is firmly seated on the valve cover.
Apply sealant to the semicircular cutouts in the top of the cylinder head.
Install the valve cover and apply even pressure to seat the gasket.
Be careful not to tuck the rubber insulating pad or any of the surrounding tubing and wires between the gasket and the cylinder head.
Install the mounting rubbers with the
marks facing up.
Install the head cover bolts.
10mm, torque to 10 N-m (7 lb-ft)
Tighten the bolts marked with a triangle first.
Install the spark plug wires.
Connect the PAIR hoses.
Connect the crankcase breather hose to the left valve cover.
Install valve cover trim.
Install fairing.
Post-Service Checkout
Watch for oil leaks around the valve cover gasket after an hour or so of riding.
MarkFeit - 01 Mar 2008