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You are here: STWiki>ST13 Web>GearOilChange (04 Aug 2007, MarkFeit)Edit Attach

Changing The Gear Oil


  • A bottle of GearOil.
  • An oil catcher.

From Your ToolBox

  • Sockets: 10mm and 17mm
  • Torque wrench


  1. Place the bike on the center stand.
  2. Position the oil catcher under the drain plug.
  3. Remove the filler cap.
    • ALERT! Always do this first. If for some reason the filler won't come off, you won't have drained the oil out of the final drive with no way to refill it.
  4. Remove the drain cap.
  5. Once the oil has drained, put the transmission in Neutral and rotate the rear wheel a bit to get any remaining oil out of the gears.
  6. Clean the drain plug, including the magnetic center.
  7. Replace the drain plug and torque it to 14 lbf-ft.
  8. Fill the rear differential with GearOil until it reaches the bottom of the filler hole.
  9. Clean the filler plug.
  10. Replace the filler plug and torque it to 9 lbf-ft.
  11. Clean any remaining gear oil from the outside of the final drive case.

-- MarkFeit - 02 Apr 2005
Topic revision: r3 - 04 Aug 2007, MarkFeit
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